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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'English learning' Search Results


The study aims to analyze the different approaches to ELT in the new normal for both private and public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as the basis for teaching pedagogy in terms of the trend in teaching, syllabus utilization, materials, and resources, activities in learning, and competency learning. The study comprised thirty-nine (39) respondents only which employs the descriptive quantitative research design and random sampling. Results show that trend in teaching context based and content instruction on the English language as the medium of teaching and instruction in English Language Teaching (ELT) focuses on the language cooperative approach in teaching approaches that suits to the learning capacity of students. It emphasizes on the complex and competency based learning and outcome of the process of learning as to skills, application, knowledge, and attitude of the learners, materials and resources, show that different centered on the instruction of the English language approach to learning, the activity is focused on the task based-learning and the process of usage in the important skills of the ELT, and competency process of learning show to provide students in the competency of ELT and language learning inside the classroom and direction in the specific task in the English competency of learning. Findings show that there is a significant correlation between the different approaches to ELT in the new normal for both private and public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as the basis for teaching pedagogy among the respondents.

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Pages: 1-14
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Vocabulary plays an important part in an EFL/ ESL textbook. The language input contained in textbooks and the representation of dimensions in vocabulary activities may have various impacts on learners’ language acquisition and development. According to Webb and Nation, vocabulary development requires the establishment of certain learning situations. It is imperative to analyze whether the vocabulary exercises presented in the book serve the desired purpose or not. The present research analyzed present General English textbook to ensure that it fulfills the learning needs of students. During the analysis, it was found that most of the sections of the vocabulary are well presented with proper context. However, there were some sections which do not contextualize the vocabulary as presented in the book. These items need to be substituted. Certain sections of the vocabulary are above the level of learners and need to be replaced with the easy ones.

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Pages: 15-23
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This paper investigated (1) English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ expectations of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities in a Vietnamese context, and (2) factors related to teacher demographics affecting their expectations of CPD activities. The study followed a mixed-methods approach, using a questionnaire to collect quantitative data from 224 Vietnamese EFL teachers, and individual semi-structured interviews to collect qualitative data from six teachers. The results revealed that among five domains in light of the Vietnamese English Teacher Competence Framework, including subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, learner knowledge, professional attitudes and values, and knowledge of teaching practice and context, the participants desired to learn about pedagogical knowledge the most (M=4.14). The study also indicated that factors related to age, teaching experience, and field of study at undergraduate level differentiated the teachers’ expectations of CPD activities. Basically, the younger and less experienced teachers desired to participate in the CPD activities more than their counterparts. Moreover, the teachers with degree in teaching EFL expressed their eagerness and willingness to participate in the CPD events more than those holding a degree in English Linguistics and Literature. This paper also suggested recommendations for further studies in the field of CPD.

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Pages: 25-35
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Vocabularies represent the basic elements of any language, thus, if there wasn’t sufficient control in using them then the result would be a difficulty in vocabulary retention when needed. The Picture Word Inductive Model Strategy (PWIM) than traditional methods. The current study aims at investigating the effectiveness of using (PWIM) Strategy in developing EFL Iraqi students' vocabulary retention. The study is conducted by using an achievement test to check the study sample. The researcher has selected a sample of (65) students in third stage in English Department in the Colleges of Education at Missan University in the Academic Year (2021-2022). The students are divided into two groups, the first group is the experimental group and the second group is the control group. In order to find out whether there are any statistically significant differences among the two groups’ achievement, the researcher applied the T-test formula for the two samples in an independent way. Based on the outcome of the study, there are statistically remarkable differences appeared in the results from the two groups. Accordingly, the study proves that using (PWIM) can increase the vocabulary retention of the students.

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Pages: 45-55
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This paper reports the findings of an investigation into English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ self-efficacy and their classroom management in the context of the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. The paper also aims to find out what makes teachers different in terms of skills in classroom management. The study was designed as a descriptive mixed-methods one, using a questionnaire, focus group interviews, and classroom observations to collect data. Forty-six EFL teachers from three high schools responded to the questionnaire. Twelve got involved in the semi-structured interviews, and six as classroom observed teachers. Two group interviews were conducted with the participation of three vice-principals and three heads of English teams. The results indicated a significant interaction between EFL teachers’ self-efficacy and their classroom management skills. Teachers who own a higher level of self-efficacy showed to manage their classes in a more confident and purposive manner than those with a lower level of self-efficacy. Three main reasons differentiating teachers’ skills in classroom management, including pre-service teacher education, previous attending continuing professional development events, and teacher’s learning autonomy were detected. Case-based teaching, organizational learning, and lesson study are recommended in pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher professional development activities to enhance teachers’ self-efficacy and their classroom management.

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Pages: 1-15
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Listening skill plays an important role in studying a foreign language, especially English. However, students face a lot of difficulties in English listening. The research was carried out to find the problems that the sophomores encounter in English listening. The participants of this research were seventy-five English majored sophomores of English classes, course 14 at Tay Do University. Questionnaire and paper interview were delivered to collect problems. This was a quantitative and qualitative research. The results of the study showed that vocabulary, pronunciation, background knowledge and psychological factors were the major listening comprehension difficulties. Basing on these difficulties, English learners can find out suitable learning ways to improve their listening skill. The results of this study may also be useful for those who are interested in this field.

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Pages: 17-33
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This study aimed to look into the impact of continuous self-assessment on the self-efficacy beliefs of undergraduates studying English as a foreign language (EFL). To find out if there is a change in students’ beliefs about their language proficiency perception, the research was undertaken with 102 participants at the school of foreign languages of a private university. It was designed as quasi-experimental research utilizing qualitative and quantitative research methods to collect data through a self-efficacy scale, self-assessment questionnaire, and self-reflection checklists. The control and experimental groups were administered a self-efficacy scale at the beginning and the end of the term. Throughout the term, the participants in the experimental group assessed themselves weekly through self-reflection checklists and a self-assessment questionnaire. Based on the overall results, it was found that when the students had an opportunity to identify their strengths and weaknesses during a skill-based task through self-assessment questionnaires, they had a better sense of mastery related to that task. This inevitably led to an increase in their self-efficacy beliefs in terms of four skills, namely reading, writing, listening, and speaking as well as grammar.

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Pages: 35-46
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Self-esteem can be simply defined as how a person views and appreciates him or herself as an individual. This is closely related to the idea of self-concept, which is an individual’s perception of who they are emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially, as well as with regard to various other facets. Self-esteem is an important aspect of a language learner. It deals with how a learner views him or herself, whether a learner views him or herself as a successful or failing language learner. This study revealed how Procedural Writing class students in a private university perceived themselves. The study was conducted in an English Education Study Program of a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. It questioned whether these students had high or low self-esteem. The research only focused on one question: Do Procedural Writing class students with high self-esteem have good language learning achievement? The data was mainly collected from 14 students; 13 were Indonesian, and one was Korean. The findings revealed that students with good achievements do not always have high self-esteem. Many factors affected their self-esteem. Their characters, learning environment, and past experiences were a few of the other factors. In contrast, students considered as low achievers could have high self-confidence and self-esteem.

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Pages: 47-59
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The course design has been paid attention to by both teachers and administrators. However, for a long time, some problems, such as the fragmented course design, and the repeated teaching contents, have existed in the college English curriculum for non- English majors from undergraduates, graduates and Ph. D students in the mainland China. Based on the ESP “learning-centred” approach, this study intends to construct an integrated curriculum system to help solve these problems through three main features of the integrated curriculum system: systematicness, hierarchy and openness. To investigate the feasibility of the course system, the combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods were used through questionnaire, text analysis and interview. The results show that, 1. This curriculum system can avoid the repetition of the course content. The fragmented curriculum design and the needs from the nation, society and students can be met through the systematicness, hierarchy and openness. 2. This system can facilitate teachers’ teaching reform and research interest because they have more choices to adapt the materials from students’ disciplines besides textbooks. This curriculum system is hoped to provide a possible way to meet the nation, society and students’ needs in the Chinese tertiary context.

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Pages: 61-75
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A number of researchers in language education have investigated the effects of language learning emotions. Burnout, a negative affective factor, is deemed a shared phenomenon among language learners. In the context of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in China, Chinese EFL learners, especially senior high school students, seem to be vulnerable to English learning burnout (ELB). ELB is a three-dimensional concept derived from job burnout in psychology and academic burnout in general education. It possesses three principal components: Exhaustion, Cynicism, and Reduced Efficacy. The present study aims to explore ELB levels, gender dissimilarities, and English learning performance differences in ELB among Chinese senior high school students. We administered the Maslach Burnout Inventory-EFL Student Survey to a sample of 377 Chinese senior high school students, analyzing the collected data through descriptive statistics, an independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 26.0. Our significant findings are as follows: 1) Chinese senior high school students had low overall and dimensional ELB levels; 2) there was no significant gender difference in students’ ELB levels; and 3) the students’ English learning performance levels significantly differentiated their ELB levels. Some theoretical and practical implications are provided.

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Pages: 77-88
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In this paper we report the results of an investigation into the levels of motivation related to English learning among Chinese senior high school students based on the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS). The study also investigates the factors that affect the motivation of Chinese students to learn English during the course of their senior high school studies. In this mixed-methods study we applied questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to acquire our data. A total of 934 high school students responded to the questionnaire and seven students were interviewed. According to the results, there was a moderate level of L2MSS among the senior high school students. The level of their L2 learning experience ranked highest among the three dimensions, followed by the level of their ideal L2 self and the level of their ought-to L2 self. Additionally, the results indicated that the students’ ideal L2 self was shaped by their educational level, their attitudes towards English as an instructional language, and their cultural background. The students’ psychological and mental development also had an influence on their construction of their ideal L2 self. The parents’ expectations and school requirements as well as China’s educational environment all had an effect on their ought-to L2 selves. It was also found that the students’ L2 learning experience was mainly impacted by their teacher’s teaching approaches and the classroom atmosphere.

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Pages: 89-96
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One of the problems of English learning in Indonesia is the low effectiveness of formal instruction in secondary schools. This study investigates how an extracurricular program (namely English Camp) conducted by an Islamic State School based in a rural area in Riau province, Indonesia, was managed to enhance their students' English proficiency. We collected our qualitative study's data through a semi-structured interview with the English Camp initiator and analysis of a webinar conducted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and recorded on YouTube. We analyzed our data inductively and thematically to recognize major themes that will later enable us to answer our research questions. We found that the English Camp had comprehensive course contents covering the four English skills. In terms of learning methods, it applied some 'out of the box' strategies that are inspired by a contextual approach to learning. The school decided to go beyond the normal mainstream national curriculum practiced in such a state Islamic high school. Among the featured programs of the English Camp are taking the pledge (collective commitment) for English use, English Zone, weekly roleplay performances, and public speaking exams with university lecturers. Based on our findings, we suggest that other schools study the school's breakthroughs, especially with their "out of the box" and contextual programs to help students develop their English skills.

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Pages: 1-11
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This study focused on investigating English as a foreign language (EFL) gifted high school students’ challenges in classes when the integration of reading and writing was used. 103 grade 11 students from three gifted high schools in Mekong Delta were invited to participate in this study. The study adopted a descriptive, mixed method research design which employed the questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The questionnaire, together with semi-structured interviews was used to collect data about EFL gifted high school students’ challenges of integration of reading and writing on their writing skills. The results of the study proved that students faced difficulties in integrating reading into writing lessons at a medium level, in relation to materials and integration tasks. However, the participants faced the greatest challenge in terms of personal backgrounds.

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Pages: 13-22
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An Analysis of Grammar Textbook at the Preparatory Year

analysis of textbook course objectives grammar learning outcomes

Taj Mohammad , Soada Idris Khan


Textbooks are of utmost importance in an academic setting. They cannot achieve their goals and objectives until they address the particular needs of students. The current study aims to assess the grammar textbook used at Najran University's Preparatory Year Program. The study's objectives are to examine the textbook's material in light of the course objectives and to pinpoint the factors that contribute to discrepancies between course objectives and learning outcomes. Additionally, it offers solutions to close the gaps between the course objectives and learning objectives. Twenty PYP teachers were chosen to participate in the study. To collect information from the participants, a quantitative questionnaire with 10 statements based on the course objectives was used. The teachers were also the subject of a qualitative interview to get their advice and insights. The analysis backs the current textbook because of its advantages, which the teachers who participated in the questionnaire said they liked. However, there is always room to update the textbook and improve particular sections or courses to better suit the needs of students. This specific section replacement can address those precise goals that the questionnaire's respondents did not rate very high.

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Pages: 37-46
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Implementing an English curriculum, especially one from outside Indonesia, is risky. Some schools produce positive outcomes, while others produce the opposite. This study aims to evaluate the difficulties of learning English from writing abilities using the Cambridge Curriculum in Indonesia. This study employed a qualitative approach that included interviews with students, school administrators, English instructors, and curriculum coordinators (n = 7) and documentation and observation, which served as data validation instruments. The results of the study indicate that, of the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening, the scores for reading and writing skills were not as predicted. The maximum score for Cambridge English was 6, and of the two skills measured, notably writing, the score was 3. This conclusion highlights the need to prepare English teacher credentials per Cambridge standards. This research has consequences for the design of learning English, which can help students improve their writing skills to meet Cambridge's maximum grade criteria.

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Pages: 47-57
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Unpacking the Benefits of Team-Based Research in Vietnam: Perspectives from TESOL, EFL, FFL and Linguistics Scholars

benefits of team-based research efl ffl linguistics scholars research teams tesol vietnam

Le Thanh Thao , Nguyen Anh Thi , Phuong Hoang Yen , Pham Trut Thuy , Huynh Thi Anh Thu , Nguyen Huong Tra


This study investigates the benefits of formulating research teams within the context of Vietnam, focusing particularly on researchers specializing in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning, French as a Foreign Language (FFL) teaching and learning, and Language and Linguistics. Through semi-structured interviews with 12 researchers of varied experiences, Grounded Theory and thematic analysis were utilized to unravel key benefits. The findings reveal that team-based  research offers advantages including enhanced knowledge sharing, skills diversification, improved decision-making, expanded research scope, access to greater resources, increased accountability, opportunities for leadership and teamwork skills, and more. The study underlines the immense potential of collaborative research in the Vietnamese context. The conclusions drawn emphasize the necessity for institutions to encourage and facilitate team-based research practices, offering important insights for policy formulation. While providing nuanced understanding of the Vietnamese research context, the study acknowledges limitations, including its narrow disciplinary focus and reliance on participant interviews. Recommendations for future research include exploring challenges within research teams, conducting cross-cultural and interdisciplinary studies, examining the impact of technology and leadership styles on team dynamics, and exploring the role of institutional support.

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Pages: 59-75
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Motivation research in foreign language learning is booming, and self-determination theory (SDT) has attracted wide attention. This study used mixed methods with 410 Chinese senior high school students as participants. The study aimed to answer the following three main questions: (1) What are the levels of Chinese senior high school students’ English learning motivation (ELM)? (2) Do the students’ ELM levels differ by gender? (3) What are the influencing factors of the students’ ELM? The following conclusions were drawn from the data analysis. First, the participants had a median level of ELM. Second, their ELM was more inclined towards self-determination. Third, girls’ levels of intrinsic regulation and identified regulation were significantly higher than those of boys. Fourth, anxiety and negative peer influence were two factors that contributed to a decline the students’ ELM. Cooperative learning and teacher support could improve students’ intrinsic learning motivation. The satisfaction of these three basic psychological needs promoted the internalization of external motivation. Based on the above findings, we offer the three following insights: it is crucial to maintain students’ autonomous ELM level; it is imperative to create a relaxed and positive classroom atmosphere; and teachers should try to meet students’ basic psychological needs.

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Pages: 77-89
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This study deals with the English language teachers’ perceived beliefs on how to improve English language students’ learning skills. English language teachers’ level of competencies on how to improve language skills of their students is the main focus of this study. Therefore, the domain, “Improving Language Skills,” defined by the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) in Türkiye in the field of “Subject Specific Competencies for Teaching Profession” has been used. This specific domain includes seven competency performances and 63 related performance indicators at three levels: A1, A2, and A3. This study, first, aims to develop a new “English Language Teacher Competency Scale” under the light of MoNE descriptors; second, it aims to observe the English teachers’ competency levels following the suggested performance indicators. The participants of the study were 100 English language teachers, teaching at public and private primary schools in Türkiye. Accordingly, the teachers responded to the mentioned scale, including other variables; such as gender, professional experience, educational background, and the type of schools they worked in. The findings indicated that there was no significant difference between the teachers’ competency beliefs about their professional experience, gender, and educational background; however, there was a significant difference in terms of the type of schools the teachers worked in. Also, this study revealed feasibility of developing the “English Language Teacher Competency Scale,”, and made the scale available to use for evaluating English Language Teaching teachers’ competency levels on how to “Improve Language Skills” in class.

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Pages: 91-104
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Understanding the level of English learning self-efficacy (ELS) and its influencing factors is significant for cultivating students’ self-confidence, enhancing their initiative, and stimulating their interest in English learning. Therefore, this study focused on levels of ELS levels and influencing factors among Chinese senior high school students. A mixed-method study was conducted using self-efficacy theory: a survey was administered to 325 high school students, and semi-structured interviews were carried out with nine students. Using the General Self-efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), this paper explored the basic situation of senior high school students’ ELS. It aimed to answer the following questions: 1) What is the level of Chinese senior high school students’ ELS? and 2) What are the influencing factors related to Chinese senior high school students’ ELS? The data analysis led to the following conclusions: 1) Chinese senior high school students showed a medium ELS level; and 2) the differences between the ideal and real selves, learning experiences, academic emotions, and learning strategies influence students’ ELS.

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Pages: 105-115
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Since language use is at the center of language learning, learners’ active engagement in learning activities is crucial for successful language learning. Answering the call for positive language education, the present study investigated the levels and influencing factors of engagement in English learning among 437 Chinese senior high school students. This study employed an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design, collecting data through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that students were generally well-engaged in English learning. Moreover, students were more inclined to engage in English learning behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively. Students’ agentic engagement in English learning was relatively low and mainly reflected after English classes. The relatively low agentic engagement might be shaped by a series of personal and contextual factors, including the traditional Chinese concept of “honoring and respecting the teacher”, teachers’ teaching strategies, students’ learning strategies, English proficiency, learning climate, and teaching styles. Pedagogical implications for English teachers concerning enhancing students’ English learning engagement were provided.

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Pages: 1-11
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