The Importance of Self-Esteem in the Language Learning Journey: Procedural Writing Students’ Stories in Indonesia
Self-esteem can be simply defined as how a person views and appreciates him or herself as an individual. This is closely related to the idea of self-c.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2022
- Online Pub. date: November 18, 2022
- Pages: 47-59
- 0 Citations
Self-esteem can be simply defined as how a person views and appreciates him or herself as an individual. This is closely related to the idea of self-concept, which is an individual’s perception of who they are emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially, as well as with regard to various other facets. Self-esteem is an important aspect of a language learner. It deals with how a learner views him or herself, whether a learner views him or herself as a successful or failing language learner. This study revealed how Procedural Writing class students in a private university perceived themselves. The study was conducted in an English Education Study Program of a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. It questioned whether these students had high or low self-esteem. The research only focused on one question: Do Procedural Writing class students with high self-esteem have good language learning achievement? The data was mainly collected from 14 students; 13 were Indonesian, and one was Korean. The findings revealed that students with good achievements do not always have high self-esteem. Many factors affected their self-esteem. Their characters, learning environment, and past experiences were a few of the other factors. In contrast, students considered as low achievers could have high self-confidence and self-esteem.
Keywords: EFL, procedural writing class, language learning, self-esteem.
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