An Empirical Study of English Learning Burnout Among Chinese Senior High School Students
A number of researchers in language education have investigated the effects of language learning emotions. Burnout, a negative affective factor, is de.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2022
- Online Pub. date: December 07, 2022
- Pages: 77-88
- 2 Citations
A number of researchers in language education have investigated the effects of language learning emotions. Burnout, a negative affective factor, is deemed a shared phenomenon among language learners. In the context of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in China, Chinese EFL learners, especially senior high school students, seem to be vulnerable to English learning burnout (ELB). ELB is a three-dimensional concept derived from job burnout in psychology and academic burnout in general education. It possesses three principal components: Exhaustion, Cynicism, and Reduced Efficacy. The present study aims to explore ELB levels, gender dissimilarities, and English learning performance differences in ELB among Chinese senior high school students. We administered the Maslach Burnout Inventory-EFL Student Survey to a sample of 377 Chinese senior high school students, analyzing the collected data through descriptive statistics, an independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 26.0. Our significant findings are as follows: 1) Chinese senior high school students had low overall and dimensional ELB levels; 2) there was no significant gender difference in students’ ELB levels; and 3) the students’ English learning performance levels significantly differentiated their ELB levels. Some theoretical and practical implications are provided.
chinese senior high school students english learning burnout english learning performance gender levels
Keywords: Chinese senior high school students, English learning burnout, English learning performance, gender, levels.
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