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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'efl writing' Search Results


Vocabulary plays an important part in an EFL/ ESL textbook. The language input contained in textbooks and the representation of dimensions in vocabulary activities may have various impacts on learners’ language acquisition and development. According to Webb and Nation, vocabulary development requires the establishment of certain learning situations. It is imperative to analyze whether the vocabulary exercises presented in the book serve the desired purpose or not. The present research analyzed present General English textbook to ensure that it fulfills the learning needs of students. During the analysis, it was found that most of the sections of the vocabulary are well presented with proper context. However, there were some sections which do not contextualize the vocabulary as presented in the book. These items need to be substituted. Certain sections of the vocabulary are above the level of learners and need to be replaced with the easy ones.

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Pages: 15-23
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Vocabularies represent the basic elements of any language, thus, if there wasn’t sufficient control in using them then the result would be a difficulty in vocabulary retention when needed. The Picture Word Inductive Model Strategy (PWIM) than traditional methods. The current study aims at investigating the effectiveness of using (PWIM) Strategy in developing EFL Iraqi students' vocabulary retention. The study is conducted by using an achievement test to check the study sample. The researcher has selected a sample of (65) students in third stage in English Department in the Colleges of Education at Missan University in the Academic Year (2021-2022). The students are divided into two groups, the first group is the experimental group and the second group is the control group. In order to find out whether there are any statistically significant differences among the two groups’ achievement, the researcher applied the T-test formula for the two samples in an independent way. Based on the outcome of the study, there are statistically remarkable differences appeared in the results from the two groups. Accordingly, the study proves that using (PWIM) can increase the vocabulary retention of the students.

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Pages: 45-55
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This study aimed to look into the impact of continuous self-assessment on the self-efficacy beliefs of undergraduates studying English as a foreign language (EFL). To find out if there is a change in students’ beliefs about their language proficiency perception, the research was undertaken with 102 participants at the school of foreign languages of a private university. It was designed as quasi-experimental research utilizing qualitative and quantitative research methods to collect data through a self-efficacy scale, self-assessment questionnaire, and self-reflection checklists. The control and experimental groups were administered a self-efficacy scale at the beginning and the end of the term. Throughout the term, the participants in the experimental group assessed themselves weekly through self-reflection checklists and a self-assessment questionnaire. Based on the overall results, it was found that when the students had an opportunity to identify their strengths and weaknesses during a skill-based task through self-assessment questionnaires, they had a better sense of mastery related to that task. This inevitably led to an increase in their self-efficacy beliefs in terms of four skills, namely reading, writing, listening, and speaking as well as grammar.

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Pages: 35-46
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The course design has been paid attention to by both teachers and administrators. However, for a long time, some problems, such as the fragmented course design, and the repeated teaching contents, have existed in the college English curriculum for non- English majors from undergraduates, graduates and Ph. D students in the mainland China. Based on the ESP “learning-centred” approach, this study intends to construct an integrated curriculum system to help solve these problems through three main features of the integrated curriculum system: systematicness, hierarchy and openness. To investigate the feasibility of the course system, the combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods were used through questionnaire, text analysis and interview. The results show that, 1. This curriculum system can avoid the repetition of the course content. The fragmented curriculum design and the needs from the nation, society and students can be met through the systematicness, hierarchy and openness. 2. This system can facilitate teachers’ teaching reform and research interest because they have more choices to adapt the materials from students’ disciplines besides textbooks. This curriculum system is hoped to provide a possible way to meet the nation, society and students’ needs in the Chinese tertiary context.

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Pages: 61-75
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This study focused on investigating English as a foreign language (EFL) gifted high school students’ challenges in classes when the integration of reading and writing was used. 103 grade 11 students from three gifted high schools in Mekong Delta were invited to participate in this study. The study adopted a descriptive, mixed method research design which employed the questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The questionnaire, together with semi-structured interviews was used to collect data about EFL gifted high school students’ challenges of integration of reading and writing on their writing skills. The results of the study proved that students faced difficulties in integrating reading into writing lessons at a medium level, in relation to materials and integration tasks. However, the participants faced the greatest challenge in terms of personal backgrounds.

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Pages: 13-22
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The objective of this study with first- and second-year undergraduate Thai English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students (N = 813) was to explore the relationships among English writing performance, writing self-efficacy, and writing anxiety. The students wrote an opinion-essay by hand and completed writing self-efficacy and anxiety questionnaires. Their texts were evaluated by EFL instructors using an analytic rubric. Pearson correlations indicated that there was a positive correlation between writing performance and self-efficacy and a negative correlation between writing performance and anxiety. There was also a negative correlation between self-efficacy and anxiety. Implications are recommended for further pedagogic research that take learners’ variables into an account when examining writing performance.

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Pages: 23-36
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Mindset theories have been applied to study motivation in various domains, with researchers talking about different mindsets in diverse academic domains. The domain specificity of mindsets has led second language researchers to suggest distinct mindsets concerning language ability and learning outcomes. While there is no lack of research on the application of mindset theories, a systematic synthesis of the literature on mindset theories focusing on the language education domain has remained relatively unexplored. The literature in this study was identified by conducting keyword searches in Scopus and EBSCOhost research databases using a combination of the following terms: “mindset theories”, “English as a foreign language”, “English as a second language”, and “teacher training”. The search results were limited to research articles published in English-medium refereed journals from 2013 to 2023. We scrutinized the titles and abstracts of 128 articles in the initial round of screening and did a second round of close reading for relevance to the synthesis focus. This chapter synthesizes 40 research papers on the application of mindset theories in the domain of language teaching and learning, including 1) studies on language skills such as writing, 2) studies related to language teachers’ role and teacher training, and 3) theoretical and practical applications of mindset theories. The conclusions drawn will be used to recommend future directions in research and practice. The chapter will contribute to the field of mindset theories in language education in terms of research and practice for educators and researchers.

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Pages: 103-118
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In the realm of language skills, speaking holds a pivotal position, making it imperative for classroom instruction to place a strong emphasis on its development. Teaching English speaking skills to Nepali EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students poses a unique set of challenges owing to English's non-native status in Nepal. To tackle these challenges and enhance the speaking abilities of Nepali students, English teachers in Nepal must adopt innovative strategies due to the limited daily use of English in their environment. This classroom action research endeavors to enhance the English speaking proficiency of EFL students in Nepal through the implementation of various communicative activities. These activities include role play, impromptu speaking exercises, language games such as "who is telling the truth", video tapping, and discussions. The interventions were applied to a group of 60 undergraduate students at a university who were learning English as a foreign language. The data gathered from participant classroom observations and unstructured interviews underwent thematic analysis, resulting in the identification of six distinct themes. The results demonstrated a noteworthy improvement in students' English speaking skills, attributing this progress to the implementation of communicative activities. The findings underscore the effectiveness of communicative activities as interventions for enhancing the English speaking abilities of university-level EFL undergraduates. In light of these results, it is recommended that both students and teachers remain cognizant of the contextual and appropriate use of communicative activities as a means to further improve English speaking skills among EFL students.

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Pages: 119-135
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Developing a Word Family-Based Depth of Academic Word Knowledge Test

academic vocabulary depth of vocabulary knowledge diagnostic test

Paul Mathieson , Francesco Bolstad , Yosuke Sasao


Despite the continued widespread use of the academic word list, there is a paucity of comprehensive and easily replicable tests which measure learners’ depth of knowledge of academic word list items. This paper outlines the development and initial validation of a test which measures multiple aspects of learners’ knowledge of academic vocabulary. The test comprises four sections – one productive knowledge section (sentence writing), and three receptive knowledge sections (collocations, synonyms, and L1 meaning). Each section includes 30 items selected from the academic word list, 10 of which are derived forms containing one or more affixes. The test was administered to 193 Japanese students studying at a public medical university in Japan. All four sections of the test showed a high level of internal consistency. In addition, the inter-rater reliability between the two different markers for the productive use (sentence writing) section was also moderately high. Furthermore, Rasch item analysis showed that the test items were well fitted to comprehensively measure learners’ knowledge of academic vocabulary. These encouraging initial results suggest that there may be merit in the test being used, evaluated, and possibly adapted in other EAP teaching and learning contexts.

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Pages: 137-154
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