Investigating How 'The Writing Revolution' and Task Complexity Can Enhance Secondary TESOL Students’ Expository Writing
This two-year action research study examines how incorporating ‘The Writing Revolution’ (TWR) strategies and adapting task complexity can .
- Pub. date: December 15, 2024
- Pages: 193-210
- 0 Citations
This two-year action research study examines how incorporating ‘The Writing Revolution’ (TWR) strategies and adapting task complexity can improve TESOL students' expository writing in secondary education in Cyprus. A total of eighty-three students (12-17 years old) from various first language (L1) backgrounds and CEFR levels (A1-B2) participated from six lower secondary (LS) and upper secondary (US) state classrooms. The methodology involved spending one-quarter of students' weekly class time on the learning and application of TWR techniques in their L2/EFL writing. Overall, 90-180 activities were completed successfully, and cognitively undemanding and context-embedded writing tasks gave way to more complex and cognitively demanding tasks to suit students’ differing proficiency levels. Qualitative analysis of students’ writing and focus group discussions indicated that writing improved coherence, organization, and complexity. Students expressed feelings of reduced anxiety and improved confidence in English writing. These findings highlight the importance of dedicating time to teaching writing explicitly in L2/FL classrooms and gradually increasing task complexity beginning at the sentence level. This study’s unique contribution demonstrates how TWR strategies can be effectively tailored to L2/FL contexts and offer practical implications for TESOL curriculum developers, researchers, and educators seeking to improve students’ writing confidence in FL and lessen writing anxiety in the classroom.
Keywords: The Writing Revolution, task complexity, TESOL, L2 writing anxiety.
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