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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
Research Article

Teaching Speaking to EFL Students in the Multilingual Context of Nepal: A Classroom Action Research

Pitambar Paudel

In the realm of language skills, speaking holds a pivotal position, making it imperative for classroom instruction to place a strong emphasis on its d.

  • Pub. date: September 15, 2024
  • Online Pub. date: September 05, 2024
  • Pages: 119-135
  • 0 Citations

In the realm of language skills, speaking holds a pivotal position, making it imperative for classroom instruction to place a strong emphasis on its development. Teaching English speaking skills to Nepali EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students poses a unique set of challenges owing to English's non-native status in Nepal. To tackle these challenges and enhance the speaking abilities of Nepali students, English teachers in Nepal must adopt innovative strategies due to the limited daily use of English in their environment. This classroom action research endeavors to enhance the English speaking proficiency of EFL students in Nepal through the implementation of various communicative activities. These activities include role play, impromptu speaking exercises, language games such as "who is telling the truth", video tapping, and discussions. The interventions were applied to a group of 60 undergraduate students at a university who were learning English as a foreign language. The data gathered from participant classroom observations and unstructured interviews underwent thematic analysis, resulting in the identification of six distinct themes. The results demonstrated a noteworthy improvement in students' English speaking skills, attributing this progress to the implementation of communicative activities. The findings underscore the effectiveness of communicative activities as interventions for enhancing the English speaking abilities of university-level EFL undergraduates. In light of these results, it is recommended that both students and teachers remain cognizant of the contextual and appropriate use of communicative activities as a means to further improve English speaking skills among EFL students.

Keywords: Communicative activities, diversities, EFL context, English speaking skills.

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