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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'Applied linguistics' Search Results


Listening skill plays an important role in studying a foreign language, especially English. However, students face a lot of difficulties in English listening. The research was carried out to find the problems that the sophomores encounter in English listening. The participants of this research were seventy-five English majored sophomores of English classes, course 14 at Tay Do University. Questionnaire and paper interview were delivered to collect problems. This was a quantitative and qualitative research. The results of the study showed that vocabulary, pronunciation, background knowledge and psychological factors were the major listening comprehension difficulties. Basing on these difficulties, English learners can find out suitable learning ways to improve their listening skill. The results of this study may also be useful for those who are interested in this field.

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Pages: 17-33
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In this paper we report the results of an investigation into the levels of motivation related to English learning among Chinese senior high school students based on the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS). The study also investigates the factors that affect the motivation of Chinese students to learn English during the course of their senior high school studies. In this mixed-methods study we applied questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to acquire our data. A total of 934 high school students responded to the questionnaire and seven students were interviewed. According to the results, there was a moderate level of L2MSS among the senior high school students. The level of their L2 learning experience ranked highest among the three dimensions, followed by the level of their ideal L2 self and the level of their ought-to L2 self. Additionally, the results indicated that the students’ ideal L2 self was shaped by their educational level, their attitudes towards English as an instructional language, and their cultural background. The students’ psychological and mental development also had an influence on their construction of their ideal L2 self. The parents’ expectations and school requirements as well as China’s educational environment all had an effect on their ought-to L2 selves. It was also found that the students’ L2 learning experience was mainly impacted by their teacher’s teaching approaches and the classroom atmosphere.

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Pages: 89-96
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Motivation research in foreign language learning is booming, and self-determination theory (SDT) has attracted wide attention. This study used mixed methods with 410 Chinese senior high school students as participants. The study aimed to answer the following three main questions: (1) What are the levels of Chinese senior high school students’ English learning motivation (ELM)? (2) Do the students’ ELM levels differ by gender? (3) What are the influencing factors of the students’ ELM? The following conclusions were drawn from the data analysis. First, the participants had a median level of ELM. Second, their ELM was more inclined towards self-determination. Third, girls’ levels of intrinsic regulation and identified regulation were significantly higher than those of boys. Fourth, anxiety and negative peer influence were two factors that contributed to a decline the students’ ELM. Cooperative learning and teacher support could improve students’ intrinsic learning motivation. The satisfaction of these three basic psychological needs promoted the internalization of external motivation. Based on the above findings, we offer the three following insights: it is crucial to maintain students’ autonomous ELM level; it is imperative to create a relaxed and positive classroom atmosphere; and teachers should try to meet students’ basic psychological needs.

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Pages: 77-89
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Since language use is at the center of language learning, learners’ active engagement in learning activities is crucial for successful language learning. Answering the call for positive language education, the present study investigated the levels and influencing factors of engagement in English learning among 437 Chinese senior high school students. This study employed an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design, collecting data through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that students were generally well-engaged in English learning. Moreover, students were more inclined to engage in English learning behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively. Students’ agentic engagement in English learning was relatively low and mainly reflected after English classes. The relatively low agentic engagement might be shaped by a series of personal and contextual factors, including the traditional Chinese concept of “honoring and respecting the teacher”, teachers’ teaching strategies, students’ learning strategies, English proficiency, learning climate, and teaching styles. Pedagogical implications for English teachers concerning enhancing students’ English learning engagement were provided.

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Pages: 1-11
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This study used a qualitative method to explore a teacher’s use of motivational strategies in an English for specific purposes (ESP) course and students’ perceptions. An English teacher in a business English class and her 32 students were recruited. The class was observed three times: at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the course. Two semi-structured interviews with the teacher were conducted: one before classroom observation, and the other after observation. Interviews with the students were conducted after each classroom observation. The teacher used seven motivational strategies to create a supportive and relaxed classroom atmosphere, and five strategies to facilitate students’ language learning. Most students’ perceptions of the teacher’s use of motivational strategies were positive. However, the students perceived a gap between their expectations for the course and their experiences. Finally, the article concludes by offering insights into the implications and constraints related to pedagogy.

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Pages: 13-24
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Skinner’s behaviorist theory delineates how a child acquires L1; notwithstanding, what sets the present study apart from Skinner’s findings can be culled-out from the research context itself. This paper validates the principles behind behaviorist theory as proposed by Skinner (1985) taking into account applied linguistics context. Careful scrutiny of data reveals that the explored theory also plays a vital role in the gradual L2 acquisition through meaningful linguistic attempts (e.g., There are persons cutting trees without replanting; His friends Marilyn and Alicia clean the classroom) and reading activities by fostering affirmative learning atmosphere to induce positive language attitude towards L2 acquisition and functionality. Negligible errors in the process of L2 acquisition are attributed to linguistic variability, interlanguage, and inflectional morphology component. This study is advantageous to EFL learners and teachers globally for it highlights some linguistic implications indispensable to interpret the learning rate, lexical range, comprehensible input (CI), and language cognition of L2 students specifically in early language education. EFL educators may be able to provide meaningful linguistic activities by considering the essential tenets of this academic piece as well as the multiculturalism factor to L2 acquisition.

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Pages: 39-52
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Boredom is a commonly experienced unpleasant emotion in foreign language classrooms and may negatively influence students’ learning status and outcomes. Unfortunately, limited attention has been directed to classroom boredom among students while learning foreign languages. To address this gap, this study adopted a mixed-methods approach to investigate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom boredom experienced by students. We invited 675 Chinese senior high school EFL students to participate in the questionnaire survey about their classroom boredom, and 4 of them voluntarily participated in semi-structured interviews. The results of quantitative data analyses indicate that Chinese senior high school EFL students experienced medium levels of classroom boredom, with male students feeling significantly more bored than females and no difference in boredom in terms of grade and class type. Qualitative data also reveal students’ preferences for challenging language learning activities and learner-centered pedagogy. Our findings shed light on ways of improving EFL learners’ classroom learning experiences and emotional status.

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Pages: 89-101
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Developing a Word Family-Based Depth of Academic Word Knowledge Test

academic vocabulary depth of vocabulary knowledge diagnostic test

Paul Mathieson , Francesco Bolstad , Yosuke Sasao


Despite the continued widespread use of the academic word list, there is a paucity of comprehensive and easily replicable tests which measure learners’ depth of knowledge of academic word list items. This paper outlines the development and initial validation of a test which measures multiple aspects of learners’ knowledge of academic vocabulary. The test comprises four sections – one productive knowledge section (sentence writing), and three receptive knowledge sections (collocations, synonyms, and L1 meaning). Each section includes 30 items selected from the academic word list, 10 of which are derived forms containing one or more affixes. The test was administered to 193 Japanese students studying at a public medical university in Japan. All four sections of the test showed a high level of internal consistency. In addition, the inter-rater reliability between the two different markers for the productive use (sentence writing) section was also moderately high. Furthermore, Rasch item analysis showed that the test items were well fitted to comprehensively measure learners’ knowledge of academic vocabulary. These encouraging initial results suggest that there may be merit in the test being used, evaluated, and possibly adapted in other EAP teaching and learning contexts.

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Pages: 137-154
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