To Teach Is to Learn? The Effects of Student-generated Questioning on Reading Comprehension
A large body of evidence demonstrates that cooperative learning promotes reading achievement. Cooperative learning is based on Social Interdepen.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2024
- Pages: 211-228
- 0 Citations
A large body of evidence demonstrates that cooperative learning promotes reading achievement. Cooperative learning is based on Social Interdependence Theory, which holds that learners benefit from leveraging cooperative effort to achieve individual and mutual goals. Student-generated questioning (SGQ) is a cooperative learning strategy that promotes learning through an iterative self and peer-assessment process. SGQ has yielded mixed results among lower-proficiency language users, where linguistic and cultural barriers can impede efficacy. Providing students with pre-training, procedural prompts, and language modeling has proven effective. A quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest design was employed to determine the impact of a highly scaffolded SGQ strategy on reading comprehension in two intact CEFR-A2 reading classes (n = 62) over a 16-week semester at a Japanese university. The Cambridge A2 Key Test was administered before and after the reading intervention. Parametric test results revealed SGQ had no significant effect on any of the five reading subskills. Further discussion of findings and recommendations may prove instructive for reading educators and researchers of low-proficiency English students in Japan and other East Asian contexts.
Keywords: Cooperative learning, student-generated questioning, reading comprehension, low proficiency.
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