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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
Research Article

Improving the Word Recognition Skills of Children Learning to Read in a Second Language Through Podcasts

Eugenia Ada Amadi , Amuche Patricia Nnamani , Rosemary Chidimma Ossai

Failure in visual word recognition brings about frustration and failure in reading which impinge on the achievement and reading progress of learners. .


Failure in visual word recognition brings about frustration and failure in reading which impinge on the achievement and reading progress of learners. In order to contribute towards assisting every child to achieve minimum proficiency in reading, this investigation examined the impact of podcasts on the abilities of second language learners in sight word recognition. The study which is quasi-experimental, made use of the pre-test post-test nonequivalent groups method. The study participants who were purposively sampled from a privately owned primary school in Enugu urban, South East, Nigeria comprise thirty elementary two learners. Pre-and post-tests were administered to the participants who were grouped into intervention and control groups. The intervention group listened to podcasts in word recognition skills while the control group learned word recognition through the usual method. Statistical tools such as means, standard deviation and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were utilized to analyze the data collected. The research question was answered through Standard Deviation and the learners’ mean achievement scores, while the hypothesis, which was set at <0.05 level of significance, was tested with the ANCOVA. The results of the investigation showed that podcasts facilitated improvement in the word recognition skills of English as a second language (ESL) learners. The study concluded that the use of podcast proves to be an efficient instructional media capable of promoting achievement in word recognition skills of learners in an ESL classroom. On the basis of the results, exploring the use of podcasts in the teaching of word recognition skills among ESL learners was recommended.

Keywords: English as a second language, learning to read, podcast, reading literacy, word recognition skill.

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