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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
Research Article

The Relationship Between Senior High School Students' English Learning Hope and English Learning Effort

Yuxin Jiang , Honggang Liu

The advent of the "positive psychology turn" in applied linguistics has brought increased attention to psychological constructs such as hope.

  • Pub. date: December 15, 2024
  • Online Pub. date: November 21, 2024
  • Pages: 165-177
  • 0 Citations

The advent of the "positive psychology turn" in applied linguistics has brought increased attention to psychological constructs such as hope, which significantly impact students’ academic performance, including their effort. However, the intricate relationships among these factors remain underexplored. To address this gap, the present study employs a mixed-methods approach to investigate how specific dimensions of students' hope influence their efforts. A sample of 711 Chinese senior high school students studying English as a foreign language participated by completing questionnaires assessing their levels of hope and effort. Findings from structural equation modeling indicate that pathways, a dimension of hope, directly and positively affect students' efforts in learning a foreign language. This research provides valuable insights for educators, highlighting the importance of fostering hope in English learning to enhance students' strategic approaches to language acquisition and support their academic progress.

Keywords: Hope, effort, English as a foreign language, correlation.

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