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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'english writing problem' Search Results


The pronunciation patterns of most speakers of English as a second language are characterized by regional and ethnic phonological features of their native language. This study sought to examine the consonant articulation of Hausa speakers of English in broadcasting industry in Nigeria. The research was guided by Optimality Theory framework (OT). Participants were drawn from four electronic media in Bauchi State, Nigeria and data were elicited through production test and recording of news broadcasts live from the stations. The findings revealed that the participants ranked IDENTCONT as a high ranked constraints which allowed the importation of voiceless bilabial fricative /ɸ/ from the phonemic inventory of Hausa language into English spoken by the subjects. The results further discovered that /p/ is substituted with/ɸ/ and /θ/ is substituted with /t/, /d/ or /s/. Similarly, /ð/ is realized as /d/ or /z/. /ʒ/ is produced as /dʒ/ or /ʃ. These deviations from RP were caused by phonological processes of spirantinzation/Frication, stopping and affrication.

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Pages: 97-106
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Implementing an English curriculum, especially one from outside Indonesia, is risky. Some schools produce positive outcomes, while others produce the opposite. This study aims to evaluate the difficulties of learning English from writing abilities using the Cambridge Curriculum in Indonesia. This study employed a qualitative approach that included interviews with students, school administrators, English instructors, and curriculum coordinators (n = 7) and documentation and observation, which served as data validation instruments. The results of the study indicate that, of the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening, the scores for reading and writing skills were not as predicted. The maximum score for Cambridge English was 6, and of the two skills measured, notably writing, the score was 3. This conclusion highlights the need to prepare English teacher credentials per Cambridge standards. This research has consequences for the design of learning English, which can help students improve their writing skills to meet Cambridge's maximum grade criteria.

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Pages: 47-57
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This study used a qualitative method to explore a teacher’s use of motivational strategies in an English for specific purposes (ESP) course and students’ perceptions. An English teacher in a business English class and her 32 students were recruited. The class was observed three times: at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the course. Two semi-structured interviews with the teacher were conducted: one before classroom observation, and the other after observation. Interviews with the students were conducted after each classroom observation. The teacher used seven motivational strategies to create a supportive and relaxed classroom atmosphere, and five strategies to facilitate students’ language learning. Most students’ perceptions of the teacher’s use of motivational strategies were positive. However, the students perceived a gap between their expectations for the course and their experiences. Finally, the article concludes by offering insights into the implications and constraints related to pedagogy.

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Pages: 13-24
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visibility 263
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Mindset theories have been applied to study motivation in various domains, with researchers talking about different mindsets in diverse academic domains. The domain specificity of mindsets has led second language researchers to suggest distinct mindsets concerning language ability and learning outcomes. While there is no lack of research on the application of mindset theories, a systematic synthesis of the literature on mindset theories focusing on the language education domain has remained relatively unexplored. The literature in this study was identified by conducting keyword searches in Scopus and EBSCOhost research databases using a combination of the following terms: “mindset theories”, “English as a foreign language”, “English as a second language”, and “teacher training”. The search results were limited to research articles published in English-medium refereed journals from 2013 to 2023. We scrutinized the titles and abstracts of 128 articles in the initial round of screening and did a second round of close reading for relevance to the synthesis focus. This chapter synthesizes 40 research papers on the application of mindset theories in the domain of language teaching and learning, including 1) studies on language skills such as writing, 2) studies related to language teachers’ role and teacher training, and 3) theoretical and practical applications of mindset theories. The conclusions drawn will be used to recommend future directions in research and practice. The chapter will contribute to the field of mindset theories in language education in terms of research and practice for educators and researchers.

description Abstract
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Pages: 103-118
cloud_download 53
visibility 491
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