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Vocabulary in EFL/ESL Context: An Analysis of General English Textbook
contextualization polysemy review vocabulary...
Vocabulary plays an important part in an EFL/ ESL textbook. The language input contained in textbooks and the representation of dimensions in vocabulary activities may have various impacts on learners’ language acquisition and development. According to Webb and Nation, vocabulary development requires the establishment of certain learning situations. It is imperative to analyze whether the vocabulary exercises presented in the book serve the desired purpose or not. The present research analyzed present General English textbook to ensure that it fulfills the learning needs of students. During the analysis, it was found that most of the sections of the vocabulary are well presented with proper context. However, there were some sections which do not contextualize the vocabulary as presented in the book. These items need to be substituted. Certain sections of the vocabulary are above the level of learners and need to be replaced with the easy ones.