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Research Article

Empathy in Practice: Exploring EFL Teachers’ Strategies within the Cultural Landscape of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta Higher Education Institutions

Thanh Thao Le , Trut Thuy Pham , Thi Thuy Tran

This qualitative study delved into the strategies employed by English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in Vietnamese higher education institutions.


This qualitative study delved into the strategies employed by English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in Vietnamese higher education institutions (HEIs) to enhance their empathy in pedagogical practices. Rooted in the Mekong Delta context, the research aimed to shed light on the intricate interplay between cultural nuances and empathetic teaching. Through semi-structured interviews with 10 EFL educators from two institutions, the study uncovered several dominant themes. Key findings highlighted the significant emphasis teachers placed on understanding the socio-cultural backdrop of their students to foster empathy. Strategies such as the incorporation of students’ personal narratives, empathetic listening, personalized feedback, and fostering empathetic group dynamics emerged as pivotal in building connections and facilitating effective language instruction. Grounding the findings in the Socio-cultural Theory and the Affective Filter Hypothesis provided theoretical underpinnings that emphasized the role of social interactions and emotional support in cognitive development and language acquisition, respectively. The study underscores the critical role of empathy in EFL teaching, providing valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and future research in similar socio-cultural contexts.

Keywords: EFL teachers, empathy, higher education institutions, strategies, Vietnam.

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